Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati for Bookstores Co. Announces the Results of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, ( Second Meeting )

Date: 21/09/2023

Element List Explanation
Introduction Abdullah Saad AboMOati CO, Annouces the Results of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting , ( second meeting) which was held at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 05 / 03 / 1445 AH corresponding to 20 / 09 / 2023, through technical means.


Deu to the lack of a quorum in the first meeting, the second meeting was held an hour after the scheduled time for the first meeting, where the quorum was completed and the attendance rate (remotely) represented %22,34 of the total shares of the company.

City and Location of the General Assembly’s Meeting The company’s head office is in Riyadh. (by means of modern technology)
Date of the General Assembly’s Meeting 2023-09-20 Corresponding to 1445-03-05
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 19:30
Percentage of Attending Shareholders 22.34%
Names of the Board of Directors’ Members Present at the General Assembly’s Meeting and Names of the Absentees The following board members attended:

1. Dr. Saad Abdullah AboMoati (Chairman)

2. Mr.Mohammed bin Omair Al-Otaibi (Deputy Chairman)

3. Mr. Mohammed Abdullah AboMoati

4. Saeed Omar Basaeed

5. Yousef Mohammed Alqafari

6. Dr. Omar Mohammed Alrayes

7. Mr. Abdullah Saud AlRashod

8. Mr.Ahmed bin naga AL-dhiabi

9. Mr. Meshari Abdulrhman Alnashmi

Names of the Chairmen of the Committees Present at the General Assembly’s Meeting or Members of such Committees Attending on Their Behalf 1. Mr. Mohammed bin Omair Al-Otaibi (Chairman of the Audit Committee).

2. Dr. Omar Mohammed Alrayes (Chairman of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee).

Voting Results on the Items of the General Assembly’s Meeting Agenda’s 1- the Board of Directors Annual Report for the fiscal year ended on 31-03-2023 have been reviewed and discussed.

2- Approval of the auditor report on the Company accounts for the fiscal year ended on 31-03-2023.

3- the financial statements for the fiscal year ended on 31-03-2023have been reviewed and discussed.

4- Approval of the Audit Committee recommendation RSM Allied Accountants to appoint the external auditor to examine, review and audit the financial statements for the second, third quarter of 2023, fourth quarter of 2024, Annual from 01-04-2023 to 31-03-2024 and the first quarter that ended on 30-06-2024 and set their fees.

5- Approval of the Board of Director’s recommendation to distribute dividends amounting to SAR (10,000,000) at SAR (0.50) per share, equivalent to (5%) of the nominal share value for the financial year ended on 31-03-2023, payable to shareholders at the closing of trading on Assembly Meeting Day, and for the Shareholders registry of the Securities Depository Center at the end of the second trading day following the eligibility date, dividends distribution date will be announced later.

6. Voting on the Board of Director’s recommendation to distribute additional dividends amounting to SAR (10,000,000) at SAR (0.50) per share, equivalent to (5%) of the nominal share value for the financial year ended on 31-03-2023, payable to shareholders at the closing of trading on Assembly Meeting Day, and for the Shareholders registry of the Securities Depository Center at the end of the second trading day following the eligibility date, dividends distribution date will be announced later.


7- Approval of pay (SAR900,000) as remuneration for the Board Members for the financial year ended 31-03-2023.


8. Approval to delegating the Board of Directors to distribute interim dividends on a biannual or quarterly basis for the fiscal year ended 31-03-2024.
