Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati for Bookstores Co. Announces the Non convenience of its ( First and Second Meeting ) Extraordinary General Assembly’s Meeting Meeting

Date: 01/11/2023

Element List Explanation
Introduction Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati for Bookstores Co announces the Non convening of its Extraordinary General Assembly’s Meeting (First Meeting and the Second Meeting one hour after the first) due to the lack of quorum for both meetings, which had supposed to be held virtually through by online means platform on Tuesday 16 / 04 / 1445H Corresponding to 31 / 10 / 2023 as the first meeting got attendance of (17.98 %) and the second meeting got attendance of (18.03%)
Indicate the date of the non-convened assembly 2023-10-31 Corresponding to 1445-04-16
City and Location of the General Assembly’s Meeting Headquarters of the Company – Riyadh City – through means of modern technology.
Time of the General Assembly’s Meeting 19:30
The reason behind non-convening the assembly Incomplete quorum for the meeting first and the second
Percentage of Attending Shareholders 18.03%
The impact of non-convening the assembly upon matters relating to the recommendations of the board of directors on profits or on the work of the External Auditor (where applicable). None
The impact of non-convening the assembly upon matters relating to the recommendations of the board of directors capital alterations None
Additional Information Company will subsequently call for a third extraordinary general assembly meeting after obtaining the approval of the relevant authorities, noting that the third meeting will be held by the shareholders who attended
